Books of Interest
For your convenience, Astrolabe carries a variety of current astrological journals, astrological reference books, books that enhance the use of our software products, and books by members of the Astrolabe Team.
The Astrological Journal is the world renowned bi-monthly publication of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. The journals include articles from notable astrologers on people and events in the news as well as astrological techniques. Buy the Journals Online
Books by Members of the Astrolabe Team: Staff, Authors, Editors, etc.
Solar Fire 7 Manual (limited supply available) - $15 plus shipping. Buy Online
By Bernadette Brady ...
Star and Planet Combinations
For natal and predictive use, Brady gives the meaning of every major star when combined with all the planets and nodal axis. Includes tables for finding the key stars for any birthtime, enabling you to use the in mundo methods that are appropriate for stars that lie far from the ecliptic. Also includes rare material on the detailed interpretations of an individual's natal heliacal rising and setting stars, which yield insight into one's soul and spiritual path. Paper, 280 pp., $37.00. Buy Online
This complete book of fixed stars provides carefully thought-out modern interpretations for the fixed stars and the most appropriate methods for using them in charts. An invaluable reference tool with many useful tables. Paper, $34.95. (Solar Fire) Buy Online
Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark
This comprehensive textbook shows how to use all the major predictive tools, including transits, progressions, returns, eclipses, and planetary arcs. As its subtitle indicates, it helps you to integrate the "eagle's" view (the big, overall long-term picture) with that of the "lark" (up-close, detailed, and short-term). Paper, $26.95 (Solar Fire) Buy Online
Our creation myths--both the Genesis story and the scientific account of a Big Bang - assume a world where events occur in a linear chain of causation. Alas, astrology has never really fit this worldview. Now, in the new ideas of chaos theory and complexity, it most assuredly has a place. This book is rich with ideas: Bernadette's own history, a brilliant cultural history, a brief and very accessible explanation of chaos theory, and a radically new and useful slant on astrological counseling. Paper, 178 pages, $28.00 Buy Online
Rafael Nasser's Under One Sky
Edited by Jodie Forrest, features delineations of the same chart by twelve experts representing twelve different astrological traditions, including Astrolabe's Gary Christen. Other contributors include Rob Hand, Ronnie Dreyer, Steven Forrest and Demetra George. Paper, $24.95. Buy Online
By Frank Clifford...
The Astrologer’s Book of Charts
A unique reference book of 150 horoscopes and chart worksheets of notable names and fascinating lives from the worlds of entertainment, sport, royalty, business, art, fashion, literature, politics and crime, all sourced and rated for accuracy. Paper, 158 pages, $21.50. Buy Online
British Entertainers: The Astrological Profiles
Learn astrology by studying the charts and biographies of over 800 British celebrities from film, theatre, television, comedy and music. This new 3rd edition includes revised and expanded profiles, thousands of dated events for research and quotes from and about the entertainer. $25.00 Buy Online
Getting to the Heart of Your Chart
Go far beyond cookbook astrology with this new and widely praised guide to "putting it all together". Here you'll find a reliable method for quickly discerning any chart's dynamics and outstanding themes. A brilliant collection of worksheets, exercises, and fascinating examples from over 150 celebrity charts, with full source info for birth data. Paper, 250 pages, $24.99. Buy Online
By Ronnie Gale Dreyer....
Vedic Astrology: A Guide to the Fundamentals of Jyotish
An introductory text to the fundamentals of Hindu astrology. Paper, $16.95 Buy Online
By Demetra George....
Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Psychology, and Astrology of the Re-emerging Feminine
By Demetra George and Douglas Bloch. This revised and fully updated edition of a beloved classic shows how the discovery of the asteroids Ceres, Pallas Athena, Juno, and Vesta coincided with the shift of woman's role and power in society and the reactivation of the feminine principle. The feminine archetypes were previously the exclusive domain of the Moon and Venus, limited to social roles such as mate and mother. The arrival of Pallas Athena - the Goddess of Wisdom - and Vesta, the High Priestess, broke through the confines of woman's stereotypical role. The authors show how the asteroid goddesses, the Moon, and Venus comprise a mandala of the full expression of the feminine principle. Mother, wife, daughter, and sister are represented by Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athena, and Vesta. Paper, $22.95 Buy Online
Economy, Ecology & Kindness: World Economy & Astro-Cycles 1984-2024
This book takes a Buddhist approach to planetary cycles to explain why the world economic crisis is happening, how it could have been avoided, and how it can certainly be mended in the future. Paper, $15.95 Buy Online
Astrology and Compassion: The Convenient Truth
Astrology and Compassion offers an ecology that can heal the core of our personal and social lives, while sustaining what we really value. Beside it, contemporary methods are mere band aids. Paper, $25.00 Buy Online
By Liz Greene ...
Essays on Mars and Jupiter. Paper, $24.95 Buy Online
The Astrology of Fate
Paper, $29.95 Buy Online
Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil
In her classic first book, Liz Greene traces Saturn's influence through the signs and houses (though emphasis is more on the houses), in aspect to the other planets and in synastry. She shows that Saturn, which was previously regarded as a malefic planet, can be an initiator leading us into greater consciousness. Paper, $18.95 Buy Online
Essays on Astrology
Precise information on latitudes, parans, dodekatemoria and other technical matters. Also, insights on Mercury, the Moon, and the planets that make up the father complex; on how astrology works, its relation to science, and on the Age of Pisces. Paper, $19.95 Buy Online
Horoscope Symbols
Uncovers the core meanings of the planets, houses, etc., so you can go beyond canned delineations to make your own synthesis of the chart. Paper, $24.95 Buy Online
Planets in Composite
Made up of the midpoints between the planets in the charts of two people, the composite chart describes the relationship that is occurring between the pair. Hand's book shows how to compute a composite chart and presents illustrative case studies. Then it gives complete sign, house and aspect interpretations for all the planets in the composite chart. Paper, $19.95 Buy Online
Planets in Transit
For everyone from the layperson to the seasoned astrologer, this is the essential reference for living through any transit in a constructive, life-affirming way. Enables you to pinpoint just what each transit is asking of you, its strong points and possibile pitfalls, and where it wants to take you in your development. Includes 720 extensive, thoughtful delineations of house transits and 5 major transiting aspects from the 10 transiting planets (Sun through Pluto) to natal planets plus the Asc and MC. Also describes Hand's orderly method for analyzing transits, with case studies. Expanded 2nd Ed. Paper, 530 pp., $29.95 Buy Online
Planets in Youth
Robert Hand's only book of natal chart delineations, this includes complete interpretations for planets in signs, houses and aspects. While it was slanted to help teenagers achieve self-understanding, it also speaks in clear, direct language to any adult who is in the process of becoming. An Introduction explores the role of the planets in stages of human development and includes case studies. Paper, $24.95 Buy Online
Faced with the threat of Suleiman the Magnificent invading Vienna, Archduke Ferdinand I commissioned the eminent astrologer Lucas Gauricus to predict his fortunes for the years 1532-34. This first-time translation of Gauricus's reading shows him making his predictions using the natal chart, solar returns, monthly revolutions, the rulers of the year and days, and other methods. Besides the facsimile of Gauricus's handwritten original, there are side-by-side printed Latin and English versions, illustrations, charts, and Kolev's learned commentary giving background material and a fuller account of Gauricus's techniques. Deluxe hardcover edition, 132 pages, $56.00 Buy Online
Regiomontanus: The Horoscope of Maximilian I
The great astrologer Regiomontanus wrote out this delineation in 1459 for the Empress Eleanora on the birth of her son, the future Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I.
It clearly illustrates Regiomontanus's astrological reasoning on verifying the birthtime, dignities, lots, planetary strength, house-by-house delineations, the hyleg and alcocoden, the annual solar revolution, firdaria, profections and primary directions.
This book includes the entire manuscript in facsimile, plus side-by-side printed Latin and English versions with extensive footnotes, commentaries, historical background, charts and illustrations. Plus, there's a crash course on understanding the Latin abbreviations to aid you in deciphering the manuscript yourself. Deluxe hardcover edition, 168 pages, $56.00 Buy Online
Combining the author's own experience with the observations of Jayne and Johndro, this acclaimed new book provides the lost key to eclipse cycles and the location of events. Rich with instructive illustrations and examples, it shows how to work with eclipses, locations and event-timing in both personal and mundane charts. Paper, $39.00 (Solar Maps) Buy Online
The Weather Within: Bringing Astrology to Life
This is a poetic, beautifully written, easy to read and understand book, worthy of any astrologer lover's bookshelf. Bill Priest's passion for astrology shines through; this book will inspire others to a greater udnerstanding of trhe art and science of astrology. All astrologers, no matter their level of expertise, will enjoy and benefit from its insights. Paper, $29.95 (Solar Fire) Buy Online
Users Guide to Astrology
One of the best intros to astrology ever, this little gem packs in an amazing amount of essential information. Includes a history of astrology, ready answers for astrology's critics, the basic symbolism of the planets, signs, aspects and houses, how to go about reading a birth chart, and even how to start making astrological predictions. Ideal for clients and non-astrological friends - and you'll no doubt learn something new from it yourself. Paper, 143pp., $10.00 (Solar Fire) Buy Online
The Circuitry of the Self: Astrology and the Developmental Model
In this thoughtful book on why and how astrology may work, Scofield argues that astrology is deeply embedded in our biological processes. He shows how planetary cycles establish imprints as we develop, and how these imprints structure our personality and, consequently, our destiny. Paper, $12.95 Buy Online
Signs of Time: An Introduction to Meso-American Astrology
In-depth discussion of Mayan/Aztec astrology, including its history, astronomical rationale and parallels with our own astrological tradition. Paper, $11.95 Buy Online
Astrological Chart Calculations: History, Conventions and Methodologies
Astrological Chart Calculations is a presentation of the key concepts behind the celestial sphere, the keeping of time, the development of trigonometry and nature of house systems. It is a general reference useful to any student of astrology. Anyone who has passed high school algebra and geometry will be able to follow the explanations and worked calculations in this book. Paper, $23.45 Buy Online
Persephone Is Transpluto
This rich, solidly researched excursion into myth, science, history and women's issues will set new trains of thought into motion and give you expanded concepts for interpretation. Paper, $12.95 Buy Online
The Astrolabe World Ephemeris, 2001 - 2050 at Midnight features longitudes and declinations for the Sun, Moon, planets, Chiron, and the asteroids. Preface by Rob Hand. Paper, $29.95. Buy Online
The Astrolabe World Ephemeris, 2001 - 2050 at Noon features longitudes and declinations for the Sun, Moon, planets, Chiron, and the asteroids. The Astrolabe World Ephemeris combines reading ease and clarity with 21st Century accuracy and precision of data. This unique ephemeris is one of the most complete and convenient references available for astrological calculation. Includes: daily longitudes and declinations for the planets calculated to the second of arc, Chiron and the four major asteroids, Void-of-Course Moon data, 12 hour Moon positions, Monthly planetary and Lunar ingresses and Lunar phases.Preface by Rob Hand. Paper, $29.95. Buy Online
Tables of Planetary Phenomena by Neil F. Michelsen. This amazing compilation lists eclipses, stations, outer-planet conjunctions, and much, much more! Paper, $32.95 Buy Online
To Enhance Your Use of Astrolabe Programs
Predictive Astrology by Michele Adler. A highly regarded, admirably clear and complete catalog of predictive techniques and how to use them. Paper, $21.95 (Solar Fire) Buy Online
The Value of Astrology: From Ancient Knowledge to Today's Reality by Andre Barbault, trans. from the French by Kate Johnston. This first and only book in English by the legendary European astrologer presents some of the most important insights of his nearly 80-year career. A book that astrologer Lynn Bell found to be "one of the great astrological awakenings of my life," it covers Barbault's ground-breaking insights into planetary cycles and world affairs, statistical support for astrology, the historical and philosophical place of astrology over the centuries, and the relation of astrology to both psychology and painting. Paper, 277 pages, $24.00. Buy Online
Planetary Cycles: Mundane Astrology by Andre Barbault, trans. from the French by Kate Johnston. Drawing on his 80 years of research and writing, Andre Barbault considers the historical records of socio-economic change going back to the pre-Christian era, and then focuses in great detail on the last two to there hundred years; to show how history connects and develops in accordance with the cycles of the outer planets, triggered by the faster-moving ones. He then goes on to make some interesting observations for the future. Paper, 168 pages, $18.00. Buy Online
Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune by Chris Brennan is the first comprehensive survey of this tradition in modern times. The book covers the history, philosophy, and techniques of ancient astrology, with a special focus on demonstrating how many of the fundamental concepts underlying the practice of western astrology originated during the Hellenistic period. Paper, $48.00 Buy Online
Handbook of Techniques for the Hamburg School by Ruth Brummund and Udo Rudolph. A useful compendium of the fundamental techniques of Uranian astrology. Paper, $21.95 (Nova Chartwheels, Solar Fire) Buy Online
Traditional Astrology for Today: An Introduction, by Benjamin Dykes, PhD. This leading traditional astrologer and translator explains how adding techniques and concepts from ancient, medieval and Renaissance astrology can enhance your chart-reading today. In a brief and clear style he presents natal and predictive methods, key concepts and interpretation rules, counseling strategies, examples, a concise history of pre-17th-century astrology, responses to common objections, an extensive glossary, exercises to test what you've learned, and a guide for further study. Paper, $15.99 (Solar Fire, JigSaw) Buy Online
Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin. This classic contains meanings for every two- and three-point combination of planets, the MC, Ascendant and Node. Paper, $24.95 (Nova Chartwheels, Solar Fire) Buy Online
Temperament: Astrology's Forgotten Key by Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum. The definitive guide to assessing the temperament in astrology. "Temperament" - which is related to the humors (choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic), the elements (fire, earth, air, water) and the four qualities (hot, cold, wet, dry) is a concept that modern astrology largely neglects, but which can lead to a much deeper understanding of the person. The author first traces the concept from Thales in the 6th Century BCE through 20th-century psychologists and astrologers like Jung, Marc Edmund Jones and Rudolf Steiner. She then describes the research that enabled her to arrive at a workable system for evaluating temperament in the natal chart. Finally, she illustrates pure and compound temperaments in the charts of many famous people. Paper, $35.00 (Solar Fire, JigSaw) Buy Online
Mechanics of the Future: Asteroids, Rev. Ed., by Martha Lang-Wescott. Add details to your readings by understanding the meanings and proper use of 39 major asteroids, from the usual Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta and Chiron to lesser-known asteroids like Amor, Apollo and Arachne. Delineates each asteroid in combination with the regular planets and angles, the other asteroids, and the Uranian planets. Also provides refreshing and sensible insights on aspect patterns, midpoint structures, dials and declinations, synastry and composite charts, and predictive techniques including transits, progressions and directions, eclipses, returns and diurnal charts. Paper, $29.95 (Solar Fire, Nova Chartwheels, Asteroid Goddesses) Buy Online
Classical Astrology for Modern Living, by J. Lee Lehman, PhD. From Ptolemy to psychology and back! Aiming to improve the practice of astrology today, Dr Lehman presents ancient techniques and the logic behind them. She then shows how these practices illuminate the charts of famous people and events. Paper, $19.95 (Solar Fire, JigSaw) Buy Online
The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy 2d ed., by Jim Lewis with Kenneth Irving. Jim Lewis wrote the classic book on this powerful locational astrology technique, and here it is reissued in a new expanded edition. Astro*Carto*Graphy (what the Solar Maps portion of Solar Fire calls "astro-locality mapping" and "planet/angle lines") plots lines on maps to show the places in the world where the planets in a chart would be on the horizon or meridian. Experience shows that these are the geographical locations where a planet can find its strongest, most obvious expression. If a client is seeking romance, a move to a city along a Venus line should improve things -- as long as the astrologer takes the fine points of Astro*Carto*Graphy into account.
The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy explains both the theory and the intricacies of practice, including how to divine the true meaning of the map lines by also considering the condition of the planet in the birth chart. The book abounds in fascinating case histories and includes interpreting not just natal, but also transiting and progressed map lines. A final section, added for this edition, introduces Jim Lewis to those who never had the pleasure of meeting him, and presents added historical and technical information plus sources for further study. Paper, $24.95 (Solar Fire) Buy OnlineDial Detective: Investigating with the 90 Degree Dial by Maria Kay Simms. A clear and lavishly illustrated introduction to Uranian astrology and the use of the 90 degree dial. Includes cut-out 90-degree dial. Paper, Revised Second Edition $19.95 (Nova Chartwheels, Solar Fire) Buy Online
The Astrology of Family Dynamics by Erin Sullivan. Explores how astrology illuminates the complexities of the family as an organic whole; uses JigSaw software to illustrate. Paper, $28.95 (JigSaw) Buy Online
Rules for Planetary Pictures by Alfred Witte and Herman Lefeldt. This Uranian-school classic interprets all 2 and 3-point, and some 4-point combinations of regular and Uranian planets, the nodes, Asc, MC, and Aries Point. Paper, $29.95 (Nova Chartwheels, Solar Fire) Buy Online
The Key Cycle by Wynn. This potent and time-honored system of progressions through the houses is an adaptation of Solar Return calculations, adjusted to any desired date or geographical location. It is based upon the fractional quarter-day excess which is corrected by a leap-year every fourth year. This booklet of articles includes an explanation of the cycle, examples and aids for interpretation. Paper, $5.00 (Solar Fire) Buy Online
How to Read Cosmodynes: An Astrological Guide to the Use of Power by Doris Chase Doane fills an important need in the astrological field. Cosmodyne patterns indicate how delays, obstacles and confusion can be avoided. They point to where the energy-expenditure should be directed, how it should be channeled, and the associations which will enhance the demonstration of success. Paper, $12.95 Buy Online
Living Lilith: Four Dimensions of the Cosmic Feminine by M. Kelley Hunter. This book traces the powerful Lilith archetype through mythology, the arts, astrology, on the world stage and in real life. Of increasing interest to astrologers, Lilith is the name given to four astronomical points - an asteroid, a star, a dark "ghost" moon, and the better-known Black Moon. All four Liliths are discussed and differentiated with the aid of numerous case histories and fascinating insights into the lives of public figures. A section of suggested interpretations of Lilith's influence through the signs is included. This book is suitable for all levels of astrology, and anyone interested in the presence of Lilith in our lives today. Not everyone is ready to explore such profoundly unknown dimensions of self and experience but she may be calling to you. Paper, $ 28.00 Buy Online
Black Moon Lilith by M. Kelley Hunter. Of increasing interest to astrologers, Black Moon Lilith has been used for decades in Europe, but there is little written in English about this enigmatic female figure and subtle astronomical point. This book helps fill that gap. The author blends astronomy, myth, depth psychology and original creative research into her investigation of the Black Moon. Basic suggestive interpretations are offered, supported by examples of well-known personages. Is she demonic or divine? Lilith offers no easy answers. Paper, $24.95 Buy Online
Lilith: Healing the Wild by Tom Jacobs. Jacobs takes apart the myth that we have been taugbht and cuts through the fog of negativity surrounding Lilith that has brought us to fear knowing her. He lays out an archetypal process for healing Lilith within us that honors her as a natural part of us - not as a demon to be feared. He then explains the difference between several Liliths used in astrology, making a case for the use of the osculating apogee or true Black Moon Lilith. Natal houses, signs, and aspects of Lilith are explained, followed by transits and progressions to Lilith and the true Black Moon itself in transit. The text concludes with an exploration of Lilith in relationships. Paper, $ 19.95 Buy Online
An Introduction to Western Sidereal Astrology. 2d ed. by Kenneth Bowser. "This excellent book provides a basic overview of sidereal astrology as it has developed in the West since the rediscovery of the ancient Babylonian sidereal zodiac at the end of the nineteenth century. Arising out of forty years of practice with sidereal astrology, this book is a gift to the world, representing the re-emergence in our time of an astrology based upon the actual positions of the stars themselves and offering insightful interpretations of the stellar script as it comes to expression in the horoscope." (excerpt from review by Robert Powell Ph.D., author of History of the Zodiac and many other works) Paper, $28.95 Buy Online