Chart Service Reports Refund Policy
Chart service reports are not refundable. Be sure to look at sample reports before you make your purchase. See our full return/refunds policy.
Important notes about email compatibility with our 'Via Email' reports :
Our emailed reports now come in an attractive and printable PDF format. In order to read our reports, you will need the Adobe Reader (aka Acrobat Reader) version 4 or better. This is a free program available at the Adobe web site and it is already installed on most computers. Each email takes approximately 250K worth of room in your inbox.
As soon as your credit card is authorized, your report will be emailed automatically. Depending on the speed of your email server it should take somewhere from 5 minutes to 3 hours to receive your report. If you don't receive it, please first check your spam mail folder if you have one. If it's not there send us an email and let us know you didn't receive your report and if possible provide an alternative email address for us to send it to. We will find a way to get it to you. Our work hours are Monday-Friday 9:30am-5:30pm EST. You can also contact us by phone at 800-843-6682.
If you have very restrictive spam filters and Child Safety filters (many of our reports mention your sex life) then please turn them down or off or add us to your address book / whitelist.
You will be receiving the email from orders@alabe.com.